Wednesday, May 1, 2019

"Why a Blog"

One of my main goals as Mayor is to enhance our level of citizen and stakeholder engagement, and to introduce new methods of communicating with you on important issues. This “Mayor’s Blog” is a part of that effort and will be updated periodically with timely information. As always, I welcome and encourage your input. Thanks for reading!I was sworn in on April 13, 2019. A lot has happened since. We will spend a lot of time and effort disseminating information and communicating with you on issues important to our community, and will constantly be looking for ways to improve on that.  (My blog for example, which I thank you for reading and hope you find helpful.)  As difficult as it can already be to reach people who are busy with their own work, family and personal lives, it's unfortunate just how much misinformation there is out there that we have to contend with on a seemingly daily basis.  Social media, never known for robust fact-checking, only exacerbates the problem by perpetuating inaccurate reports rather than living up to its potential as a means of sharing good information with others. That is the purpose of this blog. I will try to be timely, and accurate as I can be.


  1. What a wonderful thing you're doing with this blog, Mark! It's funny though, I keep wanting to "Like" your posts! Hah!
