Friday, May 10, 2019

Water Project Update for week ending 5/10/2019

 They are using a directional drill to install the water mains  under the ground. The holes along the way are to uncover pipes and old  mains they have to cross. This way the entire street from the soldiers  monument to 64 Bloom St. wont be torn up and the trees will not have to  be cut. PLEASE BE ADVISED that when the crews finish working on your lawns, any damage will all be fixed, and restored the way they were.

Update: 5/10/2019 5:34 pm.

Cliff Street:
Installed 400 feet - - 10" PVC water main pipe and appurtenances between station 19+00 (this is a map marker) and Sta. 15+00 (this is a map marker) ending across from house #3 Cliff St. (John Crimms) approaching street crossing. 

Drill Crew at Bloom St. has started directional drilling to install water mains there.  The site work for th new water tank is progressing well may start pouring the foundation later next week.

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