Saturday, June 8, 2019

Water Update Week Ending 6/7/2019

Week of 6/3 - 6/7

More pipe fusion work on Bloom St. Also installed 8" PVC pipe across Bloom St to Green St. With a new fire hydrant on Green St.
Also, drill crew drilled roughly 350 ft. Of HDPE pipe on Commercial St. 

On Cliff St. We installed 160 ft of 10"  PVC  pipe to future tank. Getting ready to install control manhole structure to connect to future tank. We also installed two fire hydrants on Cliff St. And starting to place rip rap along edge of Cliff St.

Plan is to start working on State Rt. 51 (Marion St.) Next week. We will be using traffic lights to control traffic on Rt. 51. Please be patient and  drive careful during this time.


  1. I wonder what happened to the comment I put up yesterday asking if a schedule for this work could be posted someplace in the village so that residents would know when work would begin on their street .

    1. Hi Albert, Sorry for the late reply. I post one in the Post Office, in the Church Bulletins, on our Sign by the Post Office. I hope this helps.
