Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Updated information on re-opening for Otsego County

I want to thank Allen Ruffles, Treasurer of Otsego County for all of his hard work during this difficult time.  His updates and those of his colleagues have been both reassuring and timely.   

As you probably are aware, all of this is driven and under the complete control of the Governor, and things are constantly changing.  Local Governments generally follow the same rules as equivalent private business. For example, Highway crews follow the rules for construction, office staff follow the rules for administrative personnel.  They do allow for individual municipalities to bring back workers to the workplace earlier if they are deemed "necessary to implement the reopening".  It is considered a local decision what is "necessary", but overall he wants people working remotely to the extent possible/practicable during phase one.

Here are links to the the "NY Forward" website  which provides all the current information that is available at this time.  It contains everything we know as well, there are promised additions required this week.  One very important missing piece is the template that all phase one business will be required to fill out before they can open on Saturday.


Currently phase one business's are allowed to open this Saturday May 16th, with retail using curbside pickup only.  Social distancing, masks and enhanced cleaning are required.  That is all supposed to be explained in the plan certification each business will need to fill out (but as I mentioned they have not uploaded that on the website yet).

I know this is all very confusing and the people with the governor's office are trying their best to keep up and inform us as best they can.  We have daily conference calls to try to keep up with the changes.  They are as frustrated as we are.

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