Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Update COVID19 5/26 - Municipality Call Summary


Municipality Call Summary 5-26 (Thank you so much to Allen Ruffles, Treasurer County of Otsego)

A sales tax update was given.  The county's last two payments were down 26% and 33%.  The next payment is June 4th and we’ll wait to see what happens with that one.
The county is still waiting for information on State reimbursement.  The new information put out there is that if the State doesn’t receive anything from the Federal Government by June 1, they will be reducing state reimbursement to local governments anywhere from 20%-50%.  Highway departments all across the State have still not received their CHIPS (Consolidated Local Street and Highway Improvement Program) award letters and they want the local governments to work but at their own fiscal peril.  This will effect our movement on fixing Spring Street.  I will keep you updated.
The Mohawk Valley Region is currently in Phase 1 of re-opening.  Phase 2 should begin as early as this Friday or next Monday.  As of this point, local governments do not have to fill out the affirmation that private businesses are required to fill out.  I will keep everyone updated on this, as this is the most recent information we have at the moment.
If any municipality is hearing from their taxpayers that they don’t have to pay interest, penalties, or fees this is currently false.  There is a listing of municipalities that these late fees are waived for 120 days on the Governor’s website under Executive Order 202.32.
Executive Order 202.33 also allows certain gatherings of 10 or fewer people.  I suggest looking at this as well.
DMV’s are still currently closed across the State.  NYS wants residents to do a lot of their DMV transactions online.  Local governments will be able to open soon, but DMV’s will remained closed until further notice.    
 Here are the links to the Governor's Executive Orders we mentioned today:

Here is also a look to the NY Forward website that discusses re-opening:

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