Friday, May 8, 2020

Update on Village, the Water Project and Continued Restoration 5/8

Hello everyone, 
The one thing I want to continue to reiterate is thank you for all your support through this tough time.  I understand those who are frustrated by all of this and I am sympathetic to the economic impact these changes are having on everyone but we must find a way to unite with what we have in common and continue to make the best of the current situation. Our resolve is determined by how we respond in the tough times and the reality is you can’t have and appreciate the high notes of life without experiencing the low ones too. I continue to appeal to everyone to please be considerate to one another, check up on your neighbors, and be mindful that this too will pass in time.
We are currently working with the construction company to have them finish up when the restrictions are lifted.  This includes some of the sink holes in the roads, restorations of the lawns, including new top soil and seed, sidewalk repair, and debris clean up  Please be patient, we are working with them the best we can.   
You will be seeing the Job Corps students back working on sidewalks when the schools are opened up again.
You might notice Richard in a new village truck.  We have been saving for 2 years going back to the past administration.  With responsible spending we were able to buy this truck.  The old truck will be going up to the municipal auctions soon.  
Please everyone take care of yourself and family, and be mindful that this will pass in time.


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