Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Christmas Tree Pick Up

 Starting today the Village will begin Christmas tree pickup. 

What is most important is that Christmas trees do not end up in landfills or are incinerated. If you choose to opt-out of the pickup option, there are other alternatives:

SHELTER FOR BACK YARD WILDLIFE: If you are able to leave your tree in your background, your Christmas tree can provide birds and other small creatures with shelter over the winter season.

COMPOSTING: For those with compost piles, the thin branches of Christmas trees make a great base and allow for airflow at the bottom of the pile. Over time, the branches will break down. The branch sizes should match the bin size and should be stacked four (4) to six (6) inches high. 

MULCH:  If you enjoy mulched paths in your yard, choosing to mulch your Christmas tree will provide you the perfect mulch for your path. Some say they prefer the smell of Christmas tree mulch versus the traditional mulch. Experts say that the Christmas tree mulch should be one (1) to two (2) inches in length. 

For additional tips, the Sierra Club, a leading environmental advocacy organization, has published a helpful article on how to best keep trees out of landfills.

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