Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Love will always win over hate and discrimination!

I am appalled and saddened that a pride flag was  burned in Gilbertsville.

This is not what the Village of Gilbertsville stands for, and I condemn this act of hate in the strongest possible terms. It’s disgusting and unacceptable.

I am relieved that the Police are investigating the incident and that the Village has also condemned this act.

I am sincerely sorry for any pain this has caused community members here in our Village and elsewhere.

I can only imagine the hurt and concern an act like this could cause families with. It deeply pains me to think that an act like this has the potential to intimidate and scare people from being open about who they truly are.

But I want to make it very clear to all community members and families: As your Mayor, I will always stand up for you and defend you. You have my love and full support. Everyone is an important part of our Village.

You also have my word that along with the Trustees and Village staff, I will continue to do everything I can to build a Village that is as inclusive and accessible as it is diverse.

Love will always win over hate and discrimination.

1 comment:

  1. http://www.songlyrics.com/eagles/hole-in-the-world-lyrics/
    Heard this song today on the radio...beautiful song that surely applies, sadly...if only ignorance could be replaced by understanding, compassion, and kindness.
