Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Water Project Update!!

In the next several days we will be flushing hydrants in preparation of opening up the new well and manganese removal plant.  You might experience low pressure or increased brown water.  NYS Department of Health has approved our plant and water service.  Please be patient as we prepare to open our new well and manganese removal plant.  Thank you in advance.  

If you do not receive phone calls from the Village Office about updates and information, please call our office at 783-2440 to be added to the list.   

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Dear Village Residents:

Dear Village Residents;

I do not generally write about issues that happen in other communities. However, since the tragic death in Minneapolis, many communities throughout our nation have been impacted. As your Mayor, I would like to share some of my thoughts. First and foremost, my goal is to maintain the safety and security of everyone. I will continue to work with the outstanding Otsego County Sheriff's Department, as well as our State Police officials to achieve that goal. I do understand that many want to send a message for change. I hope the message is sent without violence.  I also hope as a village we can come together peacefully, and build up our community, not tear it down.

I hope that together, as the Village  community, we can emerge from the pandemic and the other tragic events  with increased compassion, understanding, respect, and dignity for one another, and a renewed commitment for decency and equality for all people.

I pray our world can be peacefully united, and our community can get back to some type of normalcy very soon. I am proud to be your Mayor, and proud of all our residents; in light of all the hardships, stress, and suffering, our “Village” remains strong.

Thank you


Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Village Office Hours Changing to Wednesday and Friday from 12:30 - 4:30pm

Due to several changes happening in our Village Office, we are changing our office hours to Wednesday and Friday from 12:30 - 4:30pm.  Also, I would like to welcome Clarissa Riker to the office staff.  Clarissa has been a village clerk in Sidney and Unadilla for several years.  Her experience and kindness is a welcome addition to our wonderful staff we have now.  Please welcome her if you see her.