Thursday, July 2, 2020

Message from the Mayor

This morning the organizers of the Gilbertsville Garage Sales made the decision to cancel the event due to concerns about the potential spread of COVID-19. We know they worked hard to develop a plan to safely conduct this annual event. I want to commend them for the extensive thought and preparation they put into the effort. However, with cases rising across Otsego County, they determined the risk of potential exposure was simply too great.

Please remember that COVID-19 remains active in our county and the virus is continuing to spread. Wear a mask, keep your hands clean and avoid large groups.I urge our residents to be a part of the solution by remaining committed to doing the following:
  • Washing your hands frequently;

  • Staying at home as much as possible; leaving only for essential purposes;

  • Not gathering with anyone outside of your household in a group of any size, unless it is for an approved essential purpose;

  • Staying 6-feet away from others when you are shopping or engaging in another essential purpose outside of your home; and

  • Wearing face coverings inside public places or outside if social distancing cannot be maintained.
Be safe and have a great Holiday Weekend.