Thursday, April 2, 2020

Update COVID-19 April 2

Fellow Residents, we are all dealing as best we can to meet our obligations while staying as safe as possible. We are receiving updates from the counties on quarantined COVID-19 cases and they are starting to grow. Otsego County now has 14 confirmed cases and they confirmed the first death from COVID last week.
The county has also requested that people from down state not come to their second homes unless they quarantine themselves for 14 days. Also, that residents that have gone to the NYC area to visit anyone self-quarantine for 14 days after returning. The next 2 weeks are going to be critical to the progression COVID-19. The numbers will continue to grow sharply.  The key right now is to stay at home as much as possible.   If you go out, treat everyone that you meet like they are carrying the virus. (A carrier can have no symptoms and still have the virus) Do this by keeping at least 6 feet away from them.  If you must go out for food shopping or the drug store, be sure to wash your hands or use sanitizer before, during, and after your trip. As hard as this situation is, it’s everyone’s responsibility not to pass this on.  The village has to keep doing its business, so we are planning a public hearing for the budget and a board meeting for later this month to be broadcast on-line.  Keep an eye out for the announcement as to when and how you can tune in and get the information. Call the office if you have questions 783-2440, we will get back to you during business hours.  Be well everyone.

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