Monday, March 9, 2020

Annual Budget Development Overview and Information.

The budget is approved annually by the Village Board in compliance with the Village Charter and municipal code and includes detailed information about anticipated revenues and expenditures for the coming fiscal year which spans from May 1 to the end of April. Guided by the policies, priorities and goals of the Village Board and the Village’s Strategic Plan, the budget is the single most important policy document produced by the Village each year. The revenues and expenditures are broken down by the various operating, enterprise, fiduciary and special funds that comprise the total spending plan.  I will be presenting the preliminary budget to the board mid -March for the tentative budget.  Next, I will put the preliminary budget in after discussion with the board, by April 10th.  Followed by a Public Hearing Notice in the Daily Star for 5 days, after that time, the public can view the budget on our website or the Village Office.  Final Adoption of the budget will be by May 1st.
This is a very crucial budget for Gilbertsville.  It will be setting a base rate for the water project. Keeping in mind the past administration has taken out a 2.8 million dollar no interest loan, that must be paid back, at a rate of $68,000.00/year for 30 years, which the village approved. This is a cost for the water project regardless of the amount of water used.  We are calculating this to be $85.00/quarter/user. 
Next, cost will be $45/quarter for 7500 gallons.  This is just a starting spot before we meter.  This number is based from several municipalities our size throughout the state.  This number will change based on your personal usage.
Finally, for every 1000 gallons over 7500 gallons, the cost will be $6.00/1000 gallons of water metered.
Everything else in the budget should remain the same with some adjustment based on price increases for supplies.
I will continue to keep you informed as we move forward.  

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