Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Annual 4th of July in Gilbertsville and Pet Parade

Patriotism and love for our country run deep in our village. These sentiments are proudly displayed in the many Fourth of July celebrations that take place throughout the day.

The annual 4th of July Gilbertsville parade will start @ high noon on Sunday the 4th of July. The parade will form in front of the former school and proceed to the monument. There will be a brief ceremony on the lawn of the Baptist Church to celebrate the 245th year of the United States and the 100th anniversary of the American Legion Auxiliary.  The Baptist women will hold their bake sale at that time and also the fire department will host a chicken barbecue.

Will we encourage kids to decorate their bikes and ride in parade?

Pet parade will be Saturday July 3rd @ 6pm forming @ Centennial Park and walking to the center of Gilbertsville. 

Additionally, fireworks set off in our neighborhoods can be extremely traumatizing for Individuals and our pets, so please be considerate.

I want to wish all of you a happy and safe Fourth of July!

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Hydrant Flushing will Be Tomorrow, and again On Monday

 Hydrant Flushing will Be Tomorrow, and again On Monday.  This should be minimal brown water and only a small possibility of low pressure.  Monday's Flushing is for the ISO rating.  

The Insurance Services Office, Inc. (ISO) is a leading source of information about risk for the property & casualty insurance industry. Its products help customers measure, manage and reduce risk. ISO is used by insurance companies in most states to evaluate fire departments for the purpose of establishing insurance premiums in the local areas.