Friday, May 28, 2021

Memorial Day Weekend!


As we approach the Memorial Day weekend, I hope you have an opportunity to enjoy some much deserved quality time with family and friends. We are grateful things are finally getting back to normal and are looking forward to a memorable summer.  We are going to enjoy the traditional Memorial Day Parade this year, it doesn’t mean that we should let our guard down around COVID.  Beyond picnics and barbecues, I hope you will remember that Memorial Day gives us all a chance to reflect on and appreciate the many freedoms we are afforded in our country. As we enjoy the weekend with our loved ones,  I hope you might join me and take a moment to remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice fighting to defend our freedom and way of life.   We will honor the soldiers, sailors, marines and other service members, who gave their lives in service to our nation with a Ceremony on Monday, May 31st  in our Village.  Our Veterans and First Responders and a Vintage Car Parade will then proceed in the Village in a “March of Honor” to remember those we lost.

 Please even though things are getting back to normal lets try to maintain social distance and wear a mask if you have not been vaccinated.  Let's be smart and enjoy the summer.

Monday, May 17, 2021

End of Brush Pick-up Monday, May 24

 Brush pick-up is ending Monday the 24th and after that you can take the brush to the green dump anytime.  Have a Happy May.

Saturday, May 8, 2021


The survey polled 63 individuals, with 239 views.  The 63 individuals answered all the questions to generate a representative sample of feelings in the Village of Gilbertsville, about marijuana legalization.  I want to thank my fellow residents for taking this survey.

1.        This survey is anonymous, but we would like to know if you (check all that apply)