Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Veterans Day Message

 Gilbertsville has a strong reputation for always honoring, remembering respecting and thanking our veterans and their families for their continued sacrifices and ultimate sacrifices they have made in the name of freedom.  

During this time of the pandemic, I encourage our residents to show, in their own way, their appreciation to our veterans who have put their lives on the line to protect our country's freedoms.

It is our veterans who have made our United States of America the greatest nation in the world.  We are the future of hope, strength, and Democracy thanks to our Veterans.

Thank you Gilbertsville Veterans and all Veterans and their families.


Mayor Mark Muller

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

LAST DAYS for Leaf Pick Up NOV. 6 - 3:00 pm

 As temperatures fall, so do the leaves!  Our Leaf Pick Up Program for 2020 is ending.  Friday November 6th at 3:00 pm is the last pick up. 

One of the traditions that we wanted to keep is our neighborhood trick or treat.  We are so happy that our children were able to dress up and enjoy this Halloween tradition.   We also want to thank everyone, and the participating residents that followed our safety protocols, in addition to following the state and county’s guidelines for social distancing, wearing masks and small gatherings of people.   

 Guess Who??  (Chris S.)

As always, thank you for your continued support of the Village and all our local businesses and organizations. The only way we can continue to get through these difficult times is by supporting and standing up for each other.