Saturday, October 10, 2020

Halloween in Gilbertsville 2020

The survey is in, and I want to thank everyone who participated.   


See entire survey here:

There is much discussion, and we are being asked by numerous people whether or not the Village is canceling Halloween in Gilbertsville. We are not.

In an attempt to make Halloween fun and safe...

Here's what we ask:

  1. We ask that you consider wearing a mask (not the Halloween kind) if interacting closely with others.
  2. Do not leave bowls of candy on your porch that multiple people will touch.


  1. If you are uncomfortable with handing out candy, please do not turn on your porch light. Additionally, there is a printable page available to print (PDF) letting trick-or-treaters know you are not participating.
  2. If you are uncomfortable with your children trick-or-treating, it is always your choice as a parent not to send them. 
  3. We encourage everyone to practice social distancing to the extent possible...and IT IS possible when you're walking around outdoors.
  4. Enjoy Halloween. Be safe. We can participate in trick-or-treating while still taking necessary precautions and respecting the concerns and decisions of others who may not be comfortable participating.

Halloween trick-or-treat hours for the Village of Glbertsville are from 5-7 p.m. on Saturday, October 31.

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Leaf Pick-Up Information

 The trees are beginning to transition, the weather is getting cooler, and the days are getting shorter, little by little. In a few months, we may have snow on the ground. It is time for the Village to start picking  up leaves.  Please Put Leaves in tight rows curbside, and not in big piles.  Rows pick up much nicer, and we only have a limited reach with the suction hose.  The big piles make it much harder to do a good job.  We just had the leaf hose fixed and if there are stones and sticks in the piles,  we run the risk of  breaking it again.  So Happy Fall.