Saturday, September 12, 2020

Water Update 9/12/2020

New Water System is Fully Online

We are pleased to announce that the water treatment plant has been put into operation.  Thank you to Richard Gilbert, and Jack Dodson for their countless hours they have put into making the manganese plant operational.   Also, I would like to thank Clarissa Riker, our new village clerk for making a seamless transition to the clerk position.  Her understanding of the water billing program is a great asset to the village.   

We have made initial readings of the meters, and hope to make these available to the residents very soon, on the first quarterly bill.

To start the quarter billing cycle, residents will be charged the base fee of $45.00/7500 gal and $80.00 for the 2.3 million dollar loan that was taken out in 2017-18 for the project.  Remember, the $45.00 is for the first 7500 gallons used.  The next quarter billing there will be a $6.00/1000 gal over the 7500 gallons used. Please call the village office is you have questions:  783-2440 on Wednesday 12:30-3:00 pm, or Friday from 12:30 - 3:00 pm. 

Note:  A running toilet, leaky faucet, watering a garden,or washing your car, can, and will increase usage tremendously.  PLEASE check your house for leaks.

In the coming days I will be putting a virtual tour of our new facilities.